The visitors to this TRUE WEB website are bound by the terms and conditions that are mentioned herein. Thus we strongly recommend that if you want to use this site for any purpose then you must go through the entire terms of use section. In case you do not agree with any of the terms mentioned then you are advised not to use this website. TRUE WEB at its own discretion and without issuing any prior notice under any condition can edit this agreement and all the modifications would become applicable as soon as they appear on the website. Thus you must acknowledge to read this agreement every time you access this website.

TRUE WEB makes every effort to ensure that the information provided on the website is accurate and true but does not guarantee the same. TRUE WEB holds all the rights to upload any information on the website and edit it as it deems proper. At no point of time does TRUE WEB should be held responsible for any inaccuracies or incoherence that might appear on the website. TRUE WEB would make any changes to the website at its own discretion and not under any obligation. At no point of time does the information on the website is intended to coerce or spur the visitor to avail the products and services offered by TRUE WEB.

All the information present on the website solely belongs to TRUE WEB and any attempt to reproduce it or copy it would stringently fall under the legal purview of copyright infringement. TRUE WEB would like to bring it to the notice of the visitors to the website that under no circumstances should TRUE WEB be held responsible in case there is some damage to the visitor’s system, data or any other information while accessing the website.


This agreement is completely under the authority of the Indian judiciary. In case there is any dispute arising out of the use of this website then the same shall be resolved in the Jurisdiction of New Delhi, India.